Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We are at such an exciting time in our life. Two big milestones:
Buying a house.
Having a baby.

[What? I'm having a BABY?? Yes, even when I think about it every second of every day, even when I throw up every morning, even when I can't sleep all night- thank you pregnancy insomnia, even when I can't fit into my clothes... I still can't believe it sometimes.]

God has truly blessed Weston and me. I can sit and cry and whine about my troubles, which I do sometimes, but wow, we are blessed.

What a blessing it is to be pregnant! Please do not mistake me, I don't feel like that all the time. I am not to the point yet where I am saying, "I LOVE being pregnant!" But I've just recently been realizing that a baby is such a precious gift that God CHOSE to bless us with. God CHOSE to create a little Weston and Meagan combo. All of this is happening on HIS timeline. As much as I'd like to think I have control over decisions and situations, I'm slowly remembering that HE sees the big picture and HE is up there smiling, watching as I travel along this journey.

What a blessing it is to be able to buy a house! Yes, it is scary and stressful and we won't be able to afford that perfect, quaint little house we found last weekend. But we will be purchasing a home for our little family. Which is far more than a lot of people in this world can say. I do not want to take anything for granted.

It is scary taking these leaps of faith. Houses are expensive. Babies are expensive. And in the middle of all of this, come September we're going off of just one income?? Is that even possible?? And the Lord says, "Yes, Meagan. It is."